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In our latest video, “AI Websites? No Thanks,” Alex discusses the growing concern that artificial intelligence (AI) might replace web designers. Alex, a seasoned web design expert managing hundreds of websites, confidently asserts that AI won’t be taking over his job anytime soon.

Experience and Expertise Matter

Alex highlights that his extensive experience, honed over thousands of hours and numerous projects, cannot be easily replicated by AI. The complexities and nuances involved in custom web design, from initial concepts in Figma to final development in WordPress, require a deep understanding that goes beyond the capabilities of AI tools.

The Misleading Simplicity of AI Tools

AI tools are often marketed as easy solutions for creating websites. Alex counters this notion by emphasizing that true expertise is necessary to achieve high-quality results. He shares anecdotes about misleading SEO promises and the pitfalls of relying solely on AI for web design. While AI can enhance efficiency, it cannot replace the critical human element in understanding and executing client needs.

The Human Touch in Web Design

Drawing parallels to other fields like surgery, Alex argues that even with advanced tools, the expert’s presence and oversight are indispensable. Just as a surgeon uses robotic tools but remains essential in the operating room, a web designer’s expertise is crucial in navigating the complexities of web development.

Custom Design vs. Prefab Templates

Alex also touches on the difference between custom-designed websites and those built using prefab templates. While AI might help create basic sites, these often lack the uniqueness and functionality tailored to specific business needs. Custom design offers a level of personalization and performance that prefab templates cannot match.


In conclusion, Alex asserts that while AI tools can support web design, they cannot replace the value of experienced professionals. The human touch, accumulated knowledge, and problem-solving abilities of skilled web designers are irreplaceable. Businesses seeking high-quality, effective websites should prioritize expertise and experience over the allure of AI shortcuts.

Alex Jariv

Written by the Sage Digital Agency team.