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Renting a website might seem like a good deal on the surface—no upfront costs, a small monthly fee, and promises to handle everything for you. But here’s the catch: you don’t own it. And when you dig into what that means for your business, the problems start to pile up… fast.

The Problem with Website Rentals

Companies offering these “website rental” deals often skip the important steps in building a real, custom website. They’ll claim to handle everything for a low monthly fee, but are they really putting in the time and effort your business deserves? Let’s break this down:

  • Design is skipped or rushed: Building a proper website takes time—25 to 30 hours just for the design phase alone. Then you need another 20-30 hours to actually develop it. If a company says they’ll do all this work for free upfront, trust me, they’re cutting corners.
  • Pre-made templates, zero customization: Instead of building a website from the ground up, utilizing a design tool like Figma, these companies are likely just throwing a pre-made template and making whatever changes they are capable of. Think of it like building a house without a foundation or plans. It might look okay on the surface, but it’s unstable and prone to breaking.
  • No ownership, no control: Here’s the kicker—you don’t even own the site. You’re paying a monthly fee for a website that the company still controls. If you stop paying, the website disappears. All the money you invested? Gone. Worse, in some cases, the company even owns your domain name. You’re basically locked in, and if things go south, you’ve got nothing.

The SEO Trap

One of the most odd parts of these deals? Companies will charge you extra for SEO—on a website you don’t even own. That’s right. You’re paying for optimization on a site that can be taken away if you stop paying the monthly fee. It’s a terrible investment. Why spend money optimizing something that isn’t an asset to your business?

Real-Life Examples of Website Rental Nightmares

I’ve seen it firsthand with clients. One of my clients was paying $650 a month for a rented website. That’s over $7,500 a year. They thought they were getting SEO services as part of the deal, but when I asked, “What exactly are you getting for this money?” it became clear—nothing of value. And if they ever stopped paying? The website would vanish, along with all the “SEO work” they paid for.

Own Your Website, Own Your Future

At the end of the day, your website should be an asset to your business. You should own it, control it, and have the ability to grow with it. Renting a website might seem like a short-term solution, but the long-term cost—financially and strategically—is far too high.

Instead, invest upfront in a custom-built site that is tailored to your business. It will be more expensive at first, but it’s yours. You own it. You control it. And it’s something that will grow with your business over time.

Final Thoughts

Cheap isn’t always good. Renting a website may seem like a bargain, but in the end, you could lose everything—your website, your SEO work, and control over your own online presence. Be smart. Do your homework. And make sure you’re investing in something that truly benefits your business.

Alex Jariv

Written by the Sage Digital Agency team.